Thursday, August 2, 2012

Last Day

Yesterday we had our normal morning shifts - I had babies again.  Sweet precious babies.  Then Belinda and I helped set up for the seniors' tea they were having.  When it was all set up, Mary, Belinda, and I took another trip to central London.  We got on a boat at Westminster and rode on the Thames to London Bridge.  It was a nice little ride and we were able to see quite a few things.  Then we got off at the London Bridge.  That is an amazing sight, absolutely stunning.  We then also saw the London Tower and St Paul's cathedral.  Totally worth the ride back into town.  We also saw the Olympic park venue at Wembley, where they play "football" (aka soccer).  We had a great time.

Today we begin our last work day here.  This will be the last time I play with these delightful babies, and the last time I experience the British "creche".  Things are slightly different in a British creche.  It was great to spend time interacting in there. 

This afternoon I will be working in Arts and Justice again.  It still cracks me up that these two are together, but it works.  Monday when we did Arts/Justice we made earrings and Olympic flowers out of water bottles.  It was great and I am looking forward to interacting with whomever God sends our way today.

Today will be bittersweet.  We will be saying goodbye to some of the people we have gotten to know over the last several days.  It has been a real joy to meet these individuals who are trying to impact their community for Christ.  We will also be preparing to say goodbye to this delightful weather.  It has rained every other day this week and temps have been in the 60s.  It has been great!

Chalfont St Peter and Gerrards Cross now have a special place in my heart as these people have gladly welcomed us into their worlds and have briefly taught us what it is to be Christian in a non-Christian world.  I have totally taken it for granted that there are so many Christian individuals in my community.  The stats they gave us during training last week were:
  • in a 2009 poll, 77% of North Americans claim to be Christians and 62% claim to be members of a church.
  • in a 2007 poll, less than 15% of people in UK go to church at least once per month and under 40, the number drops to less than 5%.
These numbers are staggering.  So please, today thank God that He is welcome in America.  And fight to keep that a reality.  Then please pray that the hearts of those in the UK will be turned to God.  I want to be a part of the ministry in the UK so that someday soon, they can do a poll and we can see those numbers change.  God is working in the UK and I am so THANKFUL and HUMBLE to have been chosen to join Him here. 

Prayer requests:
  • People in the UK - their hearts and minds will be open to the gospel
  • Missouri team - we have come so far, that we will endure and finish this race
  • America - that we will continue to be a nation on fire for God.

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