Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 2013

So July has been pretty busy too.  I don't know why we try to fit a year's worth of stuff into two months of summer break, but there ya go.

School starts in 3 weeks and 1 day from now.  It is bittersweet.  I don't like it when the kiddos aren't home with me, yet something inside me longs for a cleaner house, less laundry, and food that stays in the house/fridge longer than 18 hours.  This year is different.  This year I have one kiddo who will be a SENIOR in COLLEGE in Thailand, one kiddo who will be a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL, one kiddo who will be a first grader, and one who will be doing his LAST year of preschool.  I know I can't possibly be old enough to have a 21 year old...who will be 22 in two months.  YIKES.  I mean come on...these pics couldn't have been THAT long ago?!?!?

Yeah - I had 80s hair...I must have seriously caked it with hairspray in the second one because it looks brown!  The good old days...  when I was thin, had big hair, and there was good music!
Flash back to the present.  And July.
We figured out the hometown pool is fun.  Maybe not quite as fun as JC or Eldon but it costs a LOT less AND mama doesn't have to drive.  Score!

There was a parade for 4th of July.  No other 4th pics though, I just don't get into this day other than the patriotic reasons.

Kids got creative and "painted the garage door! 
Then mama said we are going to paint with soap and water!

A got  to learn about guns, gun safety, and safely shooting a gun with Daddy.

B got his feelings hurt when he learned he was too young to go so Mama took him to Runge.

We camped out in the living room when daddy went out of town.

We played outside

and had a good laugh when "we" wiped out

Our friends came to play all the way from Virginia and we had a sleep over!!

Daddy, A, and B started building an outdoor toy box.

On Monday, the kiddos and I met Grandma at Powell Gardens.  It was beautiful.  Which is saying something since I am not normally a flower girl.  It was also HOT.  At least 432,716 degrees.  Or that is how it felt.  Not that I am complaining (too much!!) since my bro and many other military peeps are in a lot hotter areas with full BDUs and typically a ruck or a lot of other gear.  LOVE THOSE TROOPS!

playing with legos before we started walking around

I loved this little guy.  So pretty.

B and Grandma having quite the convo

loving the trolley ride

way up high.  A loved it here.  B wouldn't even consider coming up.  To say he had a meltdown when he saw the stairs would be an understatement.  That kid is terrified of heights.

this is the view looking up and why B wouldn't budge
 B had his first tball game tonight.  He was so proud.  And so stinkin' cute.
A ball came to him and he was pointing where he was going to throw it (first).
I thought he was playing in the dirt, but he was getting ready for the ball.  A future catcher?  My fave MLB player is a catcher...
on deck
wrong way buddy!!
tried to land on the ball (but i think it went past him)
stopping the ball with his face
high-fivin' dad
free spirit
last at bat - tear it up buddy!
 July isn't over, but I am hoping and crossing my fingers that it is super calm, quiet, and relaxing.
Thank you to my Father, as all these blessings are from Him.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best! I'm suffering from FOMO right now (the ICS 6 months-itis - the Fear Of Missing Out). Love yall!
